Thank you for your interest in NSA Michigan Fastpitch. If you ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us we'd love to help.
What Rules do you play by?
We follow our NSA National Rule Book. That means that rules DO NOT change week to week or depend on what team you are. Everyone plays by the same rules, every game. It is the Coach and/or Manager's responsibility to know the rules. Ignorance of a rule or bylaw does not negate the penalty. If you have a question please check the NSA Rulebook.
What Pitching Rules do you use?
Our National Rules are for a Start back, which falls in line with college rules.
2025 PITCHING PILOT PROGRAM: The NSA Great Lakes Region will be participating in a Pilot Program to test a new Pitching rule during the current 2024-2025 season. We have been listening to feedback from players, parents & coaches and with this program we will allow BOTH the Start Back and Step Back pitching methods. This program includes Michigan, Indiana, Illinois & Ohio Only.
For those that want to continue to pitch using our current Start Back method nothing changes. We are simply adding the option to Step Back for those pitchers that want to and those that are still learning the position. It should also help to speed the game up without the umpire having to visit the mound to correct pitchers. We want to allow both to be more player friendly as neither way gains an advantage.
CURRENT Rule: Start Back.
Rule 6, Section 1 (a): The pitcher shall take a position with both feet on the ground and one or both feet in contact with the pitching plate. The non-pivot foot may be on or behind the pitching plate as far back as desired, however, once the toe is set, no movement further backwards is allowed.
2025 PILOT Rule: Allows Both the Start Back & Step Back.
Rule 6, Section 1 (d): The Pitcher shall bring the hands together or touch them together for no more than ten (10) seconds, a backward step may be taken before, simultaneously with or after the hands are brought together. The pivot foot must remain in contact with the pitchers plate at all times prior to the forward step.
Rule 6, Section 1 (a): The pitcher shall take a position with both feet on the ground and one or both feet in contact with the pitching plate. The non-pivot foot may be on or behind the pitching plate as far back as desired.
We appreciate your feedback! This program is designed to collect data & opinions to bring to our NSA National Convention with the possibility of a national rule change. Please fill out our survey giving your thoughts on the pilot program and pitching rules. Thank you! SURVEY: Age Cutoff do you use?
Current 2025 Season
We continue to use the Birth year as a cut off. The player’s age on December 31st, 2024 will be the age group the player is eligible for during the ENTIRE sanction year.
2025 FASTPITCH SEASON: August 1st, 2024 - July 31st, 2025
18 & Under | 2006 or 2007 |
16 & Under | 2008 or 2009 |
15 & Under | 2009 |
14 & Under | 2010 or 2011 |
13 & Under | 2011 |
12 & Under | 2012 or 2013 |
11 & Under | 2013 |
10 & Under | 2014 or 2015 |
9 & Under | 2015 |
8 & Under | 2016 or 2017 |
Players can play up in a Higher Division but cannot play down in a Lower Division. All players must meet the age requirements to be put on a current year’s roster.
We are moving to a New Age Eligibility beginning with the 2026 Fastpitch Season! The 2026 Season will start on September 1st, 2025 and Player's Eligibility will be determined by their age as of AUGUST 31st, 2025. We will have new NSA Age Charts and more information as we get closer to the 2026 Fastpitch Season.
How do you schedule games?
Games are 80 minutes (Weather Permitting). No new inning can begin after the timer has expired. We are NOT drop dead or revert back to previous inning.
What Bats are Approved for NSA Play?
Do you have Gate Fees?
NO. We do not have Gate Fees! As of 2024, Michigan NSA will no longer be collecting Team Gate Fees. The new simplified pricing has them included when you are registering & paying for events. No passes to keep track of, no hassles at gate for spectators/coaches and no hassles for coaches to turn in the team gate fees at the site.
Do you have home run fences?
YES! At as many parks as we can. All Potterville, Midland, & Grand Blanc Tournaments have 200 to 250 ft fences.
What are your Tournament Awards?
Rings & Medals! A minimum of Champions & Finalists individual awards per Division, Team Awards & World Series Berth. MVP Bracelets for Pool Play Games and MVP Medals for the Championship game.

Will you move the tournament at the last minute?
No. The tournament is for the location you sign up for. If for some reason we have to move anything we will inform the coaches and work with the teams on moving, changing tournaments or refunds.
How many Umpires do you have per game?
We have 2 trained NSA umpires on each game for pool play and bracket play. All 8u games are 1 umpire.
How do I find out about Weather Issues?
We let you know 2 ways! Emails directly to Parents & Coaches through our system and by posting on our Facebook page Please follow the page for updates!
Do I have to have NSA Insurance to Play?
NO. Youth fastpitch teams must have insurance to play, but you DO NOT have to have our NSA/Westpoint Insurance. We offer it at a discounted rate for NSA teams though. If you have another insurance, please contact us and we can look at your team insurance to make sure you are covered.
Why do some events have discounts and others do not?
It is due to our field rental costs. They have drastically increased at some parks over the last few years and we can no longer offer our Early Entry Discounts at those locations.
Do you Combine Divisions?
Sometimes, but NOT without contacting the teams before hand. If there are not enough teams entered to hold one of the divisions NSA may combine the Odd age group up to the next Even age group (11u into 12u, 13u into 14u, etc). Again, In this case NSA will always contact the teams ahead of the event to make sure that is what they want to do.
Do you Separate Divisions?
Sometimes. Events listed as 11u/12u or 13u/14u the age groups will play together. It is the State Director's discretion if the age groups would be separated. We will always contact the coaches with any updates.
How many times can players be released?
Players can be released THREE times from August 1st to July 31st. PLAYER RELEASE FORM
How do I Pay for a Tournament?
Michigan NSA's Payment's Transfers & Refunds
If we have weather issues do I get a refund?
Michigan NSA's Payment's Transfers & Refunds
I want to participate in the Fastpitch World Series. What do I have to do?
How Michigan Teams Qualify for World Series
What are your Roster Rules?
Rosters - General Information. For FULL details on rosters and Player Eligibility, please review the NSA Rulebook or contact us.
- Contact your State Director for guidance.
- Pick up of certain players could change your teams’ classification by changing the overall strength of your team.
- Players cannot be released from an “A” team to play with a “B” team.
18u Teams: Any team with a player on the roster that has participated on a COLLEGE SOFTBALL TEAM MUST participate in "A" Classification.
Can 14u players from two different teams merge for early tournaments?
Yes. As always with NSA, a team can sanction and play early in the year to combine the two 14u teams - We will call this the COMBINED TEAM of Team ONE and Team TWO 14 year olds. This allows the 14u girls to play before the older girls (16u) are ready to play because of High School. Once the older girls are ready to play, the COMBINED TEAM would be disbanded by the coach of record. This allows all the players from the COMBINED TEAM to go play for their regular team WITHOUT it counting as their one release for the year.
- The COMBINED TEAM would lose any berths or points that were awarded them once they disband.
- Once the COMBINED TEAM is disbanded, players from that team can be added to TEAM ONE and TEAM TWO.
- The only issue is that a player cannot go from a Class "A" team to a Class "B"
- The Combined team will need to be disbanded before Team One or Team Two could add the players to their roster. Both team One and Team Two need to sanction separately.