Michigan NSA Slowpitch

Michigan NSA Slowpitch

Teams can sign themselves up for Tournaments on PlayNSA.com

Entry Fees & Deadlines are listed within each event.

Contac Ray Couturier for more information: 231-218-4801

Pay Online

  • Michigan Adult Teams can PAY for selected tournaments ONLINE.
  • Teams will pay for their NSA Team Membership fee ONLINE.
  • Teams can enter tournaments online and Mail payments, but must meet all deadlines. 
  • Teams may need to Contact Ray Couturier for payment information: 231-218-4801


Tournament Listings

All Tournament Listings are posted at PlayNSA.com. Select Tournaments under the Slow Pitch Section

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Park Contacts & Addresses

Can be found from the Tournament Listings PlayNSA.com Tournament or Event DETAILS for each Date and Location.

Park Policy: Every NSA Complex has their own Park rules and these rules will have to be followed or offenders of the rules will be eliminated from the tournament and could also receive a one (1) year suspension from NSA play.