NSA Michigan Fastpitch - Tournament Brackets
NSA Michigan Fastpitch Tournament Management System
The National Softball Association App is now available. Download it FREE from your app store.
It is for Coaches and Spectators to get information directly to your phone! Including Schedules, Scores, FREE Team Chat, Communication from Tournament Directors and ease of attaining hotel rooms.
NOTE: The Event Director will email when the brackets are completed and available to view.
To View Brackets Online: PlayNSA Event Search
- Use the link to Search & Select Tournament Name
- Select the Bracket Tab (All age groups will be listed together)
- Select Your Age Group
Tournament Results & Hotels: Select the Tournament from the PlayNSA Tournament Search, select the tournament you're looking for and click Results or Hotels Tab.
Please Note for all NSA Tournaments:
- The Brackets ON SITE are Always the Official Brackets
- It is the coach/managers responsibility to know the rules and bylaws of NSA. Ignorance of a rule or bylaw does not negate the penalty.
- Reminder: METAL CLEATS ARE ALLOWED IN 13u - 14u - 16u - 18u DIVISION ONLY
- Pitching Distance in Michigan for 14u - 16u - 18u - 23u/Women's will be 43 feet.